Goodbye 2012

New Year 2012 2013 Fashion Blogger Outfits

... Welcome 2013!

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a wonderful night over New Year Eve, whether you chilled out on the sofa or partied the night away.  I spent the night at a house party and had lot's of fun!

I wanted to start 2013 with look back at a selection of my outfit posts of 2012.  A lot of my favourite outfit pictures were taken on holiday.  I was lucky enough to travel a lot in 2012!  Visiting France and Malta a number times; I visited family in Normandy, and in the summer road tripped it round Southern France and on to Northern Italy - one of my favourite places.  For relaxing family breaks I also spent a lot of time in Malta, home away from home!... the last few weeks have been particularly fab as, in the form of my sister and niece, a little bit of Malta has been visiting us here in the UK!  :)

I'd love for 2013 to be just as good, if not better, when it comes to family time and travel!  However, to say that 2012 was a pretty pants year for me work wise is kind of an understatement!  There definitely needs to be some improvements in that department in 2013!!

I don't usually think about new years resolutions but I've actually set a few for 2013:

★ We have been talking about doing moving house for so long now!  Once we've finished a bit of DIY, our house is going straight on the market!
★ 2012 has been the worse year for slacking!  I'm seriously not getting any younger and it's show around my belly region!  Exercise and cutting out the chocolate and fizzy drinks are high on my list for 2013!
★ I find blogging and interacting with my readers so enjoyable and relaxing - it really upsets me when I can't find time to blog!  In 2013 I'm definitely going to be a more consistent blogger!
★ Be more organised!  I've already got my 2013 diary - now I need to make sure I use it!  However, I also need to keep my things organised and get out of the cycle of tidying, clearing out and organising my make-up (for example) only to mess it up and do it all again!

Did you make any New Years Resolutions for 2013?  I'd love to hear them!

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  1. Drinking fizzy drinks! That needs to be added to my list!

    I remember your post with the shearling jacket, I loved it! x

  2. I love the green jacket with the leather sleeves! where is it from? x

    1. Hi Lauren, it's my fave coat! There's a link in this post... :)

  3. love your blog and all your outfits- jade xxx


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